Soul Activation Mentoring sessions allow you to go in-deep and move into your life with clarity and confidence in yourself and your abilities. Throughout these sessions I use a wholistic approach to honour, touch on and align with mental, emotional, energetic and physical aspects of self to support you in discerning where your energy and presence is required to find balance and awareness in all aspects of life be it business, family, health and self.

Soul Activation Mentoring
Distant Healing Sessions allow me to use a wholistic approach to honour, touch on and align with mental, emotional, energetic and physical aspects of self to support you in discerning where your energy and presence is required to find balance and awareness in all aspects of life be it business, family, health and self.
Distant Healing Sessions

The Heart Hub Groups

Animal Communication Sessions allow me to support you and your family member to understand and translate your connection to each individual animal, provide insight into what and how they are communicating, guidance about what is and has been presenting for them emotionally, physically and mentally as well as to activate the gift of connection to yourselves.
Animal Communication Sessions